Monday, February 23, 2009

Labor of Love

"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19

At last! We are finished with our paper chasing! Hooray! And, thank You, Jesus! We received our USCIS (Immigration) approval on Friday and today, our dossier is headed to our agency. So, it's officially out of our hands and into God's (although we know it has truly never been in our hands, but His!) Now comes "The WAIT". Our dossier should be in Ethiopia within 2-3 weeks and we will officially be on the list to recieve our children. As the Lord prompts, please pray for wisdom for the agency staff in Ethiopia to know the children God has planned before the beginning of time to add to our family. It is so exciting!
The photo above is literally ALL the papers we have been waiting on, collecting, notarizing, tracking down and photocopying for the last 6 months...and it has been a true "labor of love." Just as we experienced in our first two adoptions, the love God has placed in our hearts for these children has allowed this process to be...can I really say it?...enjoyable. Some weeks...nothing happened. Other weeks...we were a flurry of activity. But has not been overly stressful or burdensome...and I can only attribute that to God's grace...and your prayers! (Thank you!)
As we have been making all these efforts to track down documents, go to the doctor for physicals, get fingerprints, meet with social workers, write letters, get signatures notarized (will I ever sign my name again without a witness?), complete 10 hours of on-line adoption training, read 5 books (required), crunching financial numbers, not to mention beginning to clean out closets, shop for new bedspreads, furniture, thinking about toys, books and occurred to me that our children on the other side of the world have NO idea what is occuring RIGHT NOW to ensure that they have a loving, safe and secure future!! Yet does the fact that they don't KNOW what is being done on their behalf make it any less TRUE? (of course not!) As this reality settled into my heart, the Holy Spirit whispered..."just like you don't know all the amazing things your Heavenly Father is doing to make sure you have a loving, safe and secure future, Beth!" WOW! I can tend to worry and doubt that God is working on my behalf because I cannot SEE His hand all the time...yet ultimately I must choose to trust and believe that "in all things God works for the good of those who love Him..." Romans 8:28 This also brings to mind Jeremiah 29:11 " 'For I know the plans I have for you', delcares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' " He knows the plans...and I know Him...that should be enough to give me peace! Oh, that I would continually put all my hope in His unfailing love and care!
Okay, enough preaching...for now! :) I just thought that was a really cool 'picture' of how God is caring for each of us even when we cannot see it with our eyes. "Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1 May God grant us all that kind of faith!
We love you and thank you for your prayers, words of encouragement and support! We are so glad you want to walk this journey with us!
We will keep you posted! :)


Anonymous said...

Preach it girl! You will continue to be prayed for by the Kraslawskys. We will "wait" with you and rest in Him as your children are especially chosen for you and your family. How exciting. Much love my friend.


Anonymous said...

Hey Beth!
Thank you for the updates and letting us share in the way God is working in your family. This is so exciting! Thanks for your words, I can SO apply these words and thoughts to my own life situation. Why is it so hard to remember that God KNOWS what His plans for me, for my family, for our future. I get so caught up in today. Thanks! Love you so much. We'll keep praying.
Lori Y

P and C said...

We are loving "walking with you". We are already thanking God for how He is working out the details. Sounds like the peace of God is really tangible these days (Phil 4:6-7). It is so true that He can do more than we can think or imagine (Eph 3:18-21). Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the update, Beth! Thanks for the reminder to "wait" and "rest". Will continue praying for your children - here and there :) Love, Amy

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to be able to watch and learn through you all as you eagerly await these precious children!

Kim said...

Hey Miss Beth!
Thanks for the update. The Jewetts are keeping up with your journey. . . it has certainly spurred many conversations as Isabelle inquires, "Can we have some children, too?" I can already see your two new ones in my mind's eye. What a great road you are on! What great love these kiddos will have from M and M and from you and Mike. What a Great God we have! Love to you guys!

Nikki said...

That's wonderful!!

I just got home from ET and LOVED it!

Unknown said...

bethee! i just looked at your blog for the first time, and ahh! it's crazy how God weaves our lives together. after going to class today and studying cross-cultural counseling (namely, in ethiopia and rwanda), i read your sweet, honest, and encouraging words about these amazing plans that God has for you. please know that i love walking with you all from a distance and that many prayers will be lifted up on you and your children's behalf. we miss you all. Spring time just is not the same away from knoxville... much love, megan jung

Robyn said...

Hey...when our dossier is done, can I steal your photo idea for my own blog post?!?!? That's great picture!