Okay, this has nothing to do with our Ethiopia adoptions...but everything to do with the Hamilton family! It's one of our favorite times to be 'crazy' around here...carving pumpkins, making costumes and just having fun. MGH got especially crazy with her pumpkin this year...you'll see her beautiful 'acting' job below where her creation 'attacked' her with a stick!So funny! MSH and I went trick-or-treating with a buddy of his while MGH hit a few neighborhoods with some girlfriends from school. Then we all met back here for hot cocoa. Lots of laughter! Enjoy the pictures...(sorry i can't seem to figure out the best way to do lay outs on this program.) MSH is a pokemon trainer and MGH is, obviously, the Chick-Fil-A cow. Didn't she do a fantastic job on her message board?!! I love seeing their creativity in action! Thank you, Jesus, for a fun and safe halloween!
'CRAZY' and blessed wife to Mike and mom to Madison, Matthew and soon-to-be three precious ones from Ethiopia; LOVED by God, broken and dependent on Jesus; DEEP-thinker; FUN-lover; TRUTH-seeker
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